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Are Emotions from the Past Still Holding You Back?

The energies of Trapped Emotions can accumulate over a lifetime, and we may notice that it is easier to fall into resonance with emotions that are already trapped in the body.

This is often referred to as emotional baggage, and it is a common part of the human experience. Releasing the trapped energy of past emotions can help to restore physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

The Emotion Code is a form energy therapy that allows us to find and release negative emotional energy from our past. In our bodies, we may hold unprocessed emotional energy. These “trapped emotions” drain our energy and cause stress. They can also create a tendency in us to have repeated similar emotional experiences. For example, we may tend to feel sad, angry, anxious or overwhelmed, while in our body we may tend to feel increased tension, pain, fatigue or illness. 

Trapped Emotions can also block us from fully experiencing life, love, happiness, success, abundance or connection with others. Emotion Code sessions restore balance by removing these blocks to health & well being. This frees us to live the life we were meant to live and reawaken our true nature.

Emotions are literally energy in motion, so when that emotional energy doesn’t process through us, it can get stuck and cause physical, mental and emotional pain. When this happens, it creates disharmony or a distortion in the body’s energy field.

Times of confusion, upset, overwhelm, crisis, injury, trauma or emotional intensity are all examples of times when Trapped Emotions can occur. Because Trapped Emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, they may cause imbalance in physical tissues, and this can eventually lead to pain or illness. Painful emotional experiences frequently result in the formation of faulty, or false negative subconscious beliefs. These beliefs, while formed to protect us from getting hurt again, actually can sabotage our efforts to progress and move forward in our lives in the ways that we desire.

We attract what we resonate. We can see that despair, shame, guilt, insecurity, grief, fear, jealousy and anger are all lower vibration emotions. They wear us down and rob us of vital energy. They divert our body’s energetic resources and create disruption in our lives. If we feel anger towards someone, that unprocessed anger can literally get stuck in our neck. We sometimes refer to people as a “pain in the neck”. We may not just feel anger, we may feel “not good enough”, humiliated, and resentful as well.

Once all this energy settles into an area of the body, and it can be any area, it will disrupt inner balance and harmony. It will feel like stress, tension, pain, emotional volatility, triggers, disconnection, anxiety, depression, or any number of ways discomfort presents itself. By releasing this anger and the associated imbalances, the discomfort disappears and the body restores balance and inner harmony. Our pain is a messenger that alerts us that something in our lives is out of balance. It is valuable communication, so rather than silence it and allow the imbalance to continue impacting our health and wellbeing, we need to acknowledge the pain and understand why it is speaking to us. If we feel anger towards someone, that unprocessed anger can literally get stuck in our neck. We sometimes refer to people as a “pain in the neck”. We may not just feel anger, we may feel “not good enough”, humiliated, and resentful as well.

We all have trapped emotions and many of them occur beyond our conscious awareness. Having trapped emotions does not mean we are somehow volatile or deficient in our ability to properly manage our lives. On a conscious level, we may power through difficult life experiences. On a subconscious level, those difficult life experiences, including our thoughts, feelings and beliefs, have been recorded. This subconscious “programming” informs our reactions and responses to future life experiences. By releasing Trapped Emotions, we can help restore balance to the body, allowing physical and emotional difficulties to resolve. The natural healing intelligence of the body is able to work efficiently without these energetic blocks, disturbances and disruptions.

Emotion Code Can Help Animals too! Animals experience a wide range of emotions and the Emotion Code can be tremendously beneficial to animals. Many times, our pets have behaviors that are problematic and go unresolved despite veterinary intervention. Adopted animals, strays, animals with a history of neglect or abuse all benefit greatly from being able to release these traumas from their lives. Even pets that have been with us since the beginning of their lives may have some inherited epigenetic issues impacting their behavior. The Emotion Code is effective and efficient at addressing and releasing energetic disruptions, often having an immediate observable positive impact on your pet’s behavior and well being.

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